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Go to Google Play store anddownload Perfect Player IPTV Please follow all 14 steps:
  1. Open Perfect Player
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Now you are into Settings Page, Go to General
  4. Go to Playlist and enter Your URL and add by Name ALL IPTV after you done click on OK
  5. Go to EPG
  6. Enter your EPG URL after you done click on OK
  7. Go back to your Settings Page and go to Playback
  8. Check ONLY change system volume
  9. Go back to your Settings Page and go to GUI
  10. Check ONLY Show channels as group folder
  11. Restart Perfect Player
  12. Now you see channels list on the left side
  13. Press left the button on the remote controller now you have all channels on group folder
  14. Go to any folder and enjoy to watch all channels