Reseller Credit starts from 1 credit
€3.00 if you don’t buy discount packages read below:
Do you know more than 70 million people over the globe are using IPTV services? Now you can start your own iptv business beeing our reseller.
Start your own IPTV business now and make more than £10,000 per month. You only need your own IPTV panel to start, where you can generate lines for users. Running a stable IPTV service is hard, Very Hard! It also costs a lot of money to run a successful IPTV business. If you want to make money but want to avoid the headache of running the service yourself, you can join our reseller program. You may ask why, well here are some points to get you started!
Our Offers:
- FULLY white label reseller solution , you can setup your own portal domain in the pannel with your brend as you want .
- We offer Credit , Debit card solutions , to process payments from your clients , if you want a payment processor for your iptv business contact us : [email protected] we can offer payment solution eaven if you’re not our reseller…
Our offers are very competitive with an excellent range of channels , we supply biggest list of channels , video on demand, catch-up server, and sports replays being provided. We are number 1 IPTV provider for international . Also, our terms for re-crediting your panel are very flexible. We do not push our resellers!
Reseller Panel:
A full reseller panel management will be provided. You can create, extend, delete and fully monitor your clients accounts. If we update anything which affects resellers, updates will be posted on your reseller panel so you will be in the know . A full access to the pannel will be given you after your first purchase.
Not a Tech Savvy? No problem!
If you are unaware of how IPTV works, how to manage a reseller panel or how to set up IPTV service on different types of devices, fear not! We provide step by step tutorial guides which explain everything in the easiest way, so can become a professional reseller in no time! Installation tutorials tutorials is may help you how clients can connect.
Credits don’t Expire:
Credits are stored on your panel, so you can spend them whenever you find a new client. There is no time frame for using your credits. They don`t get expired. The only thing you need to pay attention is your clients.
We offer very good price for credits :
- 1 credit =3Euros if you choose to load your reseller balance with first pack wich we don t offer any discount
- 50 credits = 150 Euro (0 % discount) (3EUro per Credt)
- 200 credits = 600€ – We Give 10% duscount = You PAY 540€ =(2,7 EUro per Credit)
- 500 credits = 1500€ – 20% discount = You PAY 1200€ = (2.4EUro per Credit)
- 1000 credits = 3000€ – 40% discount = You PAY 1800€= (1,8EUro per Credit)
- 2000 credits = 6000€ – 60% discount = You PAY 2400€ (1,2EUro per Credit)
- 1 credit = 3,6 USD if you choose to load your reseller balance with first pack wich we don t offer any discount
- 50 credits = You PAY 182 USD (0 % discount) = (3,6 USD per Credt)
- 200 credits = 728 USD – We Give 10% duscount = You PAY 655 USD =(3,2 USD per Credit)
- 500 credits = 1822€ – 20% discount = You PAY 1457 USD = (2,90 USD per Credit)
- 1000 credits = 3644€ – 40% discount = You PAY 2187 USD = (2,18 USD per Credit)
- 2000 credits = 7288€ – 60% discount = You PAY 2915 USD (1,45 USD per Credit)
So in other words if you choose to load your reseller pannel with 50 credits = 150EUROS(182USD) that’s mean you will pay 3EUROS(3,6USD) for 1 credit and 3Euros(3,6USD) for 1 month Subscription package and for 12 months package subscripiton 36Euros(43USD) ( . if you choose to load your pannel with package number 5 where we give 60% discount it means : for 2400 EUROS(2915USD) you will get 2000 credits 60% discount that’s mean you pay 1,2 EUROS(1,45USD) for one credit and 1,2 EUROS(1,45USD) for 1 month subscription for your client that you will activate in your reseller pannel , or for 12 months 14,4 EUROS(17.49USD0 , wich is very affordable price , and you can win good money as beein a part of our resselers team . YOU CAN RESSELL Subscription to your client at your own price we don’t restrict or imput any reselling price for your clients .
Here are our prices and how much we charge for each subscription in pannel reseller credits.
Trial 1 Hour
1 connection
0 credits is free
Trial 24 Hours
1 connection
0 credits is free
Trial 1 Hour
5 connections
0 credits is free
1 connection:
1 month
1 credit
3 month
3 credit
6 month
6 credit
12 month
12 credit
24 month
20 credit
2 connections
1 month
2 credit
3 month
6 credit
6 month
12 credit
12 month
24 credit
24 month
40 credit
5 connections
1 month
5 credit
3 month
15 credit
6 month
30 credit
12 month
60 credit
24 month
100 credit
- You can add Subresellers and you can control them from your reseller pannel , add them credits and so on . you can sell your credits to your resellers for whatever price you want.
- You can sell your service for whatever price that you want , you will find more packages options in your reseller panel.
- Credits are not expiring.
We enable our resellers to give away free trials 24H from their reseller panels. It may help you to offer 24h trial period to your clients before they can buy a subscription from you. And we don’t charge any credit cost to do this.
Enjoy beeing our business partners if you have more questions contact us.
on telegram:
Email: [email protected]